Fair number of B上海高端娱乐会所排名eijing daily small letter on June 19 message, what can deserted industrial old factory building do? In road of north of bridge of winebibber of area of Beijing rising sun 7, two of total factory of Beijing electric machinery old factory building made an attempt, already became through transforming ” blue collar apartment ” . Distinguish at renting the general white-collar apartment on room market, blue collar apartment basically faces a city to run kimono Wu to ensure personnel. Urban blue collar is put in move living difficult problem all the time. Blue collar people the group such as the member that basically come from express, clerk, member that protect clean, with the life be closely bound up of the everybody in the city, be short of one cannot. But because blue collar income is not quite high, accept the price of source of room of the white-collar on the market very hard; Although a few enterprises offer a dormitory, but the dormitory is out-of-the-way, to blue collar of these working hours unfixed people, have not quite convenient. Then, the living condition that has a f上海贵族宝贝x论坛ew blue collar is very poor, existing all sorts of hidden trouble such as fire control, sanitation, some blue collar are return上海各区娱乐论坛ed even risk danger in desperation, crowded in group rent a house 上海哪里有水磨服务in. “Workshop apartment ” long what appearance? How should be this problem solved? This paragraph of time, begin t上海浦东新区荤场ktvo a few interlink the blue collar apartment that hotel tr上海春风楼桑拿论坛ansition transforms on the market. And in road of winebibber bridge north these 7 blue collar apartment, it is to taking grumous industrial taste. Last year, autograph of magic square apartment is hired about issued here 4 old factory building, among them two become white-collar boarding house, two become company boarding house (namely blue collar apartment) , strode attempt workshop to change the first pace of apartment. The operation that magic square apartment will become boarding house of prospective blue collar square. Apartment of these two blue collar is the office building of factory of past electric machinery, one is equipmen嘉定新城附近荤场t building. Look from the exterior, the old factory before following a few years does not have what to differ, great pattern never mind changes inside. 上海乌克兰外菜会所Stair although on gush new facial expression, but the sign that still can find the past. Come and go everyday hereat, may have the feeling that a kind of days moves back and forth. The layout inside the building resembles student dormitory a bit. Grow face each other of corridor, door, two buildings altogether 152 rooms,油压按摩会所上海 be being transformed this is 4 worlds entirely. There cannot be bright fire inside the room, wei Yu has independence and public two kinds. Does workshop rebuild rely on chart? Last week 5, beijing lives build appoint release f奉贤水疗休闲会所ormally ” rent about developing model the opinion of worker dormitory (try out) ” . Say simply, “Rent model worker dormitory ” be equivalent to facing a city to run kimono Wu to ensure