Orgnaization favour underestimates value industry bibcock up to when 44080 negotiable securities of Chinese will sign up for a reporter to distribute news dispatches on September 2 till, two city share 1167 37407 appear on the market the company releases 3 quarters 5上海闵行区南美水疗0895 outstanding achievement are premonitory, outside deciding except 41 companies, be fond of a company beforehand (include add to be filled with) achieved 772, be fond of scale to achieve beforehand 66.2% . In light of whole, the industry such as steely, building materials, excavate 3 quarters and even annual 50895 outstanding achievement up qualitative really taller. Ma上海洗浴中心全套浦东rket personage points out, 3 quarters outsta爱上海桑拿会所费用nding achievement points to action to annual outstanding achievement apparent. Current, a still face bigger uncertainty, but the course la上海闵行按摩sts after the callback, the appraise value of the bibcock label that outstanding achievement carries steady growth returns to bottom position, have taller safe limit阿拉爱上海同城 验证, put in certain investment opportunity. Hopeful of 129 companies outstanding achievement turns over times 772 property performance is fond of a company beforehand in, add 248 beforehand, add 321 slightly, twist deficient the home and 48 add are filled with 155. Announcing net profit to add fast in the company, with floor level of net increase rate plan, 589 companies realize ne上海水磨会所攻略2018t profit to grow compared to the same period. 129 companies net profit grows more than 100% compared to the same period, 9 companies net profit rises more than 1000% compared to the same period. From the point of the industry, be fond of company number to occupy beforehand than residing the industry before to basically have oil treatment, coking plant reachs nuclear fuel to process trade (100%) , textile (smelt of metal of 92.31%) , black and press delay treatment (line of business of dress of 85.71%) , spin, dress (85.00%) , civil engineering. Single company side, golden firm stock is at present two city outstanding achievement is added fast ” Number One Scholar ” . Before the company predicts 3 quarters realize net profit about 120 million – 150 million yuan, grow 4083.23%-5129.03% compared to the same period. In addition, amplitude exceeds 1000% still one day 8 companies such as motivation of hill biology, understand, Quan Zhike ability, Xinuer. From outstanding achievement cruel the growth account that adds a company looks, buy 48169 property and watch, deal with 48169 assets of company affirm the blame such as income and allowance is regular increase and decrease still is to basically shove a hand. Add at present fast be located in biology of second day hill to express上海丝袜会所24小时, because the company adds subsidiary elephant advertisement newly to belong to business busy season in 7-9 month,outstanding achievement grows considerably basically is, reason o龙凤论坛桑拿论坛夜生活 上海按摩论坛utstanding achievement relatively go up growth of year of the corresponding period is bigger. Net profit of before the company 3 quarters is added fast more than 27 times. In addition, net is added fast in the company that surpasses 1000% , the o上海水磨桑拿莞式服务utstanding achievement of much home company such as serious chance of understand motivation, Lu Yitong and Hua Dong grows to all come from considerably compared to the same period水磨拉丝过程 at buying property and watch and a few blame are regular increase and decrease. From the point of net profit total, before at present predicting net amount is resided is Ning Bo bank and Haikangwei are inspected, before two companies predict 3 quarters realize net profit respectively eight billion one hundred and four million six hundred and fifty thousand – nine billion two hundred and nine million eight hundred and thirty thousand yuan are mixed seven billion and seventy-five million seven hundr上海俄罗斯女微信ed and forty thousand – eight billion three hundre上海上海外卖私人工作室闵行区水磨场子d and six million three hundred thousand yuan. If with floor level of net profit dimensions plan, profit of net profit of before having 463 companies at present 3 quarters exceeded 100 million yuan. The industry foreground such as chemical industry of steely building materials is hopeful from the point of exposure plan, at present 37407 appear on the market plan of company whole exposure is about 33.3% , and basically center at in platelet compan最新上海后花园419y. Nevertheless, as a result of cycle kind with the part 750 consume kind of industry profit state to have general character, often can judge industry second half of the year and even annual from inside state of profit of existing part company go situation. Will look at present, below the anticipation that hopeful of investment of capital construction of second half of the year picks up, include steely, building materials and project machinery inside 3 quarters of company of chain of capital construction industry and even annual hopeful maintain high speed growth. In addition, china peaceful group of Li Chao of macroscopical research of 44080 negotiable securities thinks, domestic policy emphasizes expanding continuously inside need, capital construction of second half of the year adds fast hopeful to rebound, may carry relevant trade to manufacturing industry production (wait like project machine) it i上海会所论坛社区s certain to form pull move