On November 12 before dawn, suffer effect of northward strong cold air, one lades the Keluodeya of 41 thousand tons of rolled steel book cargoboat ” SPLIT ” annulus in mouth of the Yangtse River 2 b杨浦区附近桑拿和汗蒸erth water area produces main engine anchor after breakdown, body of sailor of on the boat 17 foreign nationality handles dangerous situ新阿拉爱上海ation, the request comes to help. After receiving danger information to accuse, bureau of deliverance o上海兼职美女个人服务上门 上海商务模特f the East China Sea starts lash-up instantly beforehand case, assign is in the water area around is on call ” 上海后花园桑拿the East China Sea is saved 118 ” annu上海水磨桑拿会所攻略lus drive toward acci上海油压店2018dent scene to rescue them amain. In the mornin上海足浴娱乐休闲中心g 10 when make, “The East上海虹口桑拿 China Sea is saved 118 ” annulus reach the spot, add southeast wind of coastal waters condition 4 class, billow is tall 龙凤上海推油1, 2 meters, the decision after spot of deliverance personnel classics is evaluated carries out pulling deliverance to cargoboa杨浦区家庭spat of 阿拉爱上海后花园ktvbe in danger. Through the effort of a hour, steamer of be in danger in the morning 11 when successful link towing line. Below rescue ship pulling, steamer of this be in danger 17 when 18 minutes safe already arrive at to the berth aus太仓上海后花园tral green Mount Hua of mouth of the Yangtse River, sailor of 17 foreign na青浦 男士spationality i水磨不限次数什么意思上海日式桑拿全套会所 上海桑拿体验报告s rescued along with the boat.